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{Desi_Pardesi} Daily Positive Thoughts 13-08-17 Tolerance

Re: [Arkitect India] Tank Nationalism


less than a minute ago

Hamid Ansari is no ordinary man He represented India as permanent representative to United Nation Look at list attached Mohammad Hamid Ansari Hamid Ansari January 1993 January 1995.The 1st Muslim to have the post. 

He has NATIONALIST thought and never proclaimed to represented Muslims.
But as a Nationalist he has to speak in the interest of Nation
He was not only Ambassador at Muslim nations only. 
It is so saddening to read that After his entire career as a loyal Diplomat,he suddenly become a slave of his thought,is not a palatable comment . 
His contribution is being undermined because he spoke some truth,which goes against the present Govt policies. 
The Govt should not discard it as said by MP Shukla, 
It appears that statements by high officials are not in good taste.They should investigate the truth 
Ambassador of India to the United Nations 

The Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations is the India's foremost diplomatic representative to the United Nations (UN). The permanent Representative (UN ambassador) is the head of a diplomatic mission to the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York City. 
Indian Mission to the UN Headquarters in New York 

List of Indian Permanent Representative to the United Nations[edit] 
This is a list of Indian Permanent Representative to the United Nations.[4] 

Name Portrait Entered office Left office Notes 
Samarendranath Sen September 1946 March 1948 Permanent Liaison Officer To The UN 
Sir Benegal N. Rau March 1948 1948 Minister Representative to the UN 
Rajeshwar Dayal December 1949 August 1954
Arthur S. Lall September 1954 December 1958
C. S. Jha January 1959 July 1962
B. N. Chakrvarthy August 1962 July 1965
G. Parthasarathy August 1965 December 1968
Samar Sen January 1969 July 1974
Rikhi Jaipal July 1974 May 1979
Brajesh C. Mishra Brajesh Mishra.jpg June 1979 March 1981
Natarajan Krishnan April 1981 September 1986
C.R. Gharekhan Gharekhan.jpg October 1986 December 1992
Mohammad Hamid Ansari Hamid ansari. January 1993 January 1995
Prakash Shah Amb. Prakash Shah.jpg February 1995 July 1997
Kamalesh Sharma Commonwealth Secretary-General (cropped).jpg August 1997 May 2002
V. K. Nambiar V.K. Nambiar.jpg May 2002 May 2004
Nirupam Sen September 2004 March 2009
Hardeep Singh Puri Amb. Puri.jpg May 2009 February 2013
Asoke Kumar Mukerji Amb. Mukerji.jpg April 2013 December 2015
Syed Akbaruddin Syed Akbaruddin.jpeg January 2016 Incumbent Current Ambassador of India to the UN Show Less

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"From the seed which we sow today there may spring up a mighty tree whose branches, like those of the banyan of the soil, shall in their turn strike firm roots into the earth and themselves send forth new and vigorous saplings. This college may expand into a university whose sons shall go forth throughout the length and breadth of the land to preach the gospel of free enquiry, of large hearted toleration, and of pure morality." -- 

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

On Saturday, August 12, 2017, 11:45:34 PM GMT+5:30, Razi Raziuddin [arkitectindia] <> wrote:

Tank Nationalism

There is a distinct shift in the relation between the Indian nationalist imaginary and the armed forces.

Just as the white man once took upon himself the burden of civilising Indians, the present government has committed itself to the task of turning Indians into nationalists. The assumption being, of course, that Indians have been insufficiently nationalist till now. And the method identified to accomplish the mission is to inculcate reverence and fear for the armed forces. As the current Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Bipin Rawat has proclaimed, "people have to be afraid of us." This marks a distinct shift in the relation between the Indian nationalist imaginary and the armed forces. The figure of the soldier has been transformed from that of a servant of the people, paid with public money for protecting the nation, to that of a pedagogue giving citizens lessons in nationalism.

The latest instance of military worship has been a request from the Vice Chancellor (VC) of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), M Jagadesh Kumar, to procure an Indian Army tankfor display in the campus. He plans to install it at a prominent spot to instil nationalist feelings among students and remind them "constantly" of "the great sacrifices and valour of theIndian Army." His request was directed at union ministersV K Singh and Dharmendra Pradhan gracing the Kargil Vijay Diwas celebrations—the first ever in JNU. This proposal follows a series of ingenuous formulae meant to transform "seditious" students into patriots. About a year ago, former HumanResource Deve­lopment Minister Smriti Irani insisted on installing national flags in all central universities. She soon learnt that one such flag has been flying in JNU for a long time. Disappointed, she then floated the idea of inviting militaryofficers to lecture students on nationalism. But as luck would have it, she was soon asked to focus on textiles instead. Itgoes without saying that the present government has littleunderstanding of what universities are meant for. But thediscursive shift that has transformed soldiers into demigods is far more alarming. If pushed, it has the potential to threaten democratic institutions.

There is nothing new in the figure of the soldier standing as a metaphor for patriotism. But Indian nationalism, given its anti-colonial origins, remained uncomfortable with the armed forces it inherited from colonial rulers. In the early years ofindependence, it was, in fact, projected as a purely professional force under strict civilian control. The ideal nationalistremained either the khadi-clad satyagrahi or the death-defying revolutionary. Today, both have been replaced with the soldier.

Former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri floated theslogan "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" during the Indo–Pak war in 1965. It was meant to enthuse soldiers demoralised by the 1962Sino–Indian war. But the jawan was placed alongside the kisan as an ideal servant of the nation. By the time the slogan was extended to "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan" by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Indian nationalism had become synonymous with hyper-militarism. The nuclear tests at Pokhran in 1998 provided the context this time, audaciously announcing India's arrival as a full-fledged nuclear weapons state. Between the two slogans, a war had been fought in 1971 and the first nuclear tests had been conducted in 1974. But, by the late-1990s, even the hollow pretence of India's commitment to peace and disarmament was given up. Unsurprisingly, army tanks as a pedagogic tool have been invoked while commemorating the Kargil war of 1999.

Today, celebration of military personnel as ideal nationalists has also accompanied political interference in the functioning of the armed forces. Two officers were superseded in the appointment of the current COAS Bipin Rawat. While out-of-turn promotions of political favourites are not new—one is reminded of Arun Vaidya's appointment to the same post during Indira Gandhi's time—the leverage given to the present army chief to make public pronouncements without restraint is exceptional indeed. His shocking statements justifying, for example, the use of human shields in Kashmir have attracted no censure. In fact, public criticisms have only elicited counter-charges ofanti-nationalism.

An army tank has existed inside the North Bengal University campus for more than 40 years. However, the symbolismthere is entirely different. It is a Pakistan army tank captured during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War by the Indian Army. It celebrates India's military victory over an externalenemy. But the JNU VC has asked for an Indian Army tankinside a university widely slandered by today's self-proclaimed nationalists as an anti-national bastion. If there is still any doubt about its implications, the speeches of some of theother guests of honour at the Kargil celebrations in JNU quickly dispel them. Ex-cricketer Gautam Gambhir declared that civilians have no right to question the army. Writer Rajiv Malhotra described the event as a celebration not only of "taking over Kargil in the external war, but also of taking over JNU in the internal war." Retired army officer G D Bakshi declaredthat they must not stop with the capture of JNU, but should now attack the "fortresses" of Jadavpur University andHyderabad Central University. These were statements voiced in a public function in the presence of the VC. It is clear thattoday, under the current dispensation, the celebration ofmilitarism and its projection as the highest expression ofnationalism has reached its maturity since its turn-of-the-century inflections.


Posted by: Mohsin Raza <>
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