Tolerance Tolerance means to bounce back even when thrown against a very hard wall. The ability to do this comes from sensing that life is a game and that all things move in cycles. What is uncomfortable now will soon change. Tolerance is like saying yes to the game and enjoying it. God's Help At Every Step (Part 2) Everyone expects and wants help from God in times of sorrow. But do we ever ask ourselves how much do we remember Him and never ever leave His hand during the entire day while performing actions? This is because the more we remember Him with a clean heart and with honesty and also with strong belief; the more He will be available to us in times of problems. Also, He will be available when things don't go well for us. They say that God is remembered a lot in negative times and in happiness He is forgotten. But if God is never forgotten, even when things are going well, then He will respond to our request for help ...
Failure to see the commonness is a sign of intellectual impairment